For the wealth maximisation the financial manager need to take some important decisions (These are also known as Finance function.) And they are:
• Investment Decision
• Financing Decision
• Dividend Decision
It refers to deciding about how the funds are invested in different assets so that they are able to earn the highest possible return for the in investor.
Assets which are obtained by the business are of two types ,I.e. Long-term assets and short-term assets.
A. Long-term Investment Decision: This referred to as capital budgeting Decision, for the investment in the long-term assets. For example, buying a new machine. For the same purpose the financial manager has to make a comparative study of various alternative available in the market on the basis of their cost and profitability. These decision are very crucial as they affect the earning of the business over the long run.
Factors Affecting Long-term Investment Decision or Capital Budgeting Decision:
• Cash flow of the project: Capital Budgeting Decision is related with investment in long-term assets. These assets involve both cash outflow and cash inflow over a series of years.{
The amount needed for investment or that go out form the company is known as outflow,on the other hand, return for the same amount is known as inflow or then cash earned by the company} , cash inflow> cash outflow for the investment. • The rate of Return : The criterion to decide the profitability of various projects in their respective rate of return. The rate of return is calculated on the basis of expected return or revenue from the project and risk attached with it. If two projects are of same risk ,then project having higher rate of return will be accepted.
• Investment criteria Involved: There maybe many criteria of the investor while investing in the long-term assets. These are : funds involved,rate of interest, rate of return. , Cash flow ,etc. All these factors influence the decision to go for a particular investment or not .
B. Short-term Investment Decision
This decision is related to the working capital management. Keeping adequate amount of the working capital at all the time in the business is called management of the working capital. Adequate amount means that amount of working capital should neither be more nor less than required. For example- if more amount is retained with the company then company will generate less revenue from investment on the other hand,if the company investment more amount then working capital will for be enough and the company performance may go down.
It refers to the determination as to how the total funds required by the business will be obtained from various long-term sources. Long-term financial sources chiefly include equity share capital, preference share capital, retained earning , debenture , long-term loan ,etc.
{ Debt capital is the cheapest of all the sources ,but although if the company faces loss then also they need to pay interest in debt . On the other hand ,shares capital is higher in cost but they need not to pay any interest if the company faces loss
Factors Affecting Financing Decision:
• Cost: The cost of the sources of finance is different. The company need to find the cheap source of finance according to their company situation.
• Risk : Debt capital is most risky and from the point of view of risk it should not be used.
• Cash flow position: If the cash flow position of the company is good means inflow is higher than outflow ,then the payment on the interest on the debt can easily be made. So debt can be given priority as the source of cheap Finance.
• Control Consideration: The ultimate control of the company is with the Equity shareholders. If more of equity share are issued then control may spread with many and a mutual Decision may take time. So from this point of view the equity share capital should be avoided.
• State of Capital Market : Bright time being more profit. Therefore,the people like to invest more in the equity share. On the other hand, uncooperative situation bring losses and therefore people like to invest more in the debt capital. Therefore,the sources of finance should be chosen keeping in the view the position of the market.
It refers to the determination of how much part of the earning should be distributed among shareholders by the way of dividend and how much should be retained for meeting future needs as retained earning. The shareholders want that they should get the maximum dividend and managers want that the maximum amount of money should be kept to fulfill the future need of the business. The financial manager has to strike a balance so that both the parties remain satisfied.
Factors Affecting Dividend Decision
• Amount of Earning: The dividend is paid out of the present and reserved profit. Therefore, greater amount of total profit will ensure greater dividend.
• Growth Opportunity : If the company has more opportunities for growth, it need more Finance. In such situations,a major part of the income should be retained and a small part of it should be paid as dividend.
• Cash flow position: The payment of dividend is the result of outflow of cash. If the company have better Cash flow means inflow is higher than outflow ,then the company will pay the better dividend.
• Access to Capital Market: In case of need if a company can easily collect finance in the capital market ,it should declare dividend at a higher rate otherwise not.
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